Cleaning preparations for surgical instruments
Surgical instruments for cutting, retracting, grasping,
holding, occluding, dilating, probing, cannulating,
draining, aspirating, suturing and ligating in the various
fields of surgical practice, i.e., surgical knives,
scissors, chisels, osteotomes, curettes, dissectors,
elevators, rongeurs, cutting forceps and punches, saws,
trocars, biopsy needles; also, retractors, both hand held
and self-retaining, tenacula and vulsellum forceps,
hemostatic (artery) forceps, ansatomosis clamps, dressing
and tissue forceps, needle holding forceps, lacrimal, sinus,
gallduct probes, urethral, ureteral, uterine and mitral
valve dilators, suction tubes and cannulas, suture needles
and ligating instruments, for general surgery, rectal and
colon procedures, plastic and reconstructive surgery,
thoracic and cardiovascular surgery, gynecological and
obstetrical procedures, urologic surgery, microsurgery,
opthalmic surgery, ear and endaural surgery, nasal sinus and
reconstruction procedures, oral, tonsil, laryngeal,
bronchoscopic and esophagoscopic procedures, pediatric
surgery, neurological surgery and orthopaedic surgery;
suture needles and ligating instruments; biopsy needles,
punches and forceps; anesthesia equipment-namely, suction
tubes, airways, tube-holding forceps; medical electronic
instruments-namely, electronic ocular tonometers, and
tonographers; diagnostic doscopes; surgical supplies-namely,
drapes for surgical procedures; surgical equipment-namely, a
tray/basin system for disinfecting, transporting and storage
of surgical instruments; tourniquet inflation units;
examining and treatment tables; surgical supplies: as to
drapes for surgical procedures; surgical equipment:
tray/basin system for disinfecting