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Die Internationale Marke CERELAC wurde als Bildmarke am 22.04.2013 bei der Weltorganisation für geistiges Eigentum angemeldet.

Logodesign (Wiener Klassifikation)

#Quadrilateralen #Farben #Rechtecke #Vierecke mit Inschriften, die über eine oder mehrere ihrer Seiten hinausragen #Rot, rosa, orange #Weiß, grau, silber

Markendetails Letztes Update: 11. November 2019

Markenform Bildmarke
Aktenzeichen 1163138
Registernummer 641924
Länder Bahrain Europäische Gemeinschaft Norwegen Ägypten
Basismarke CH Nr. 641924, 18. März 2013
Anmeldedatum 22. April 2013
Ablaufdatum 22. April 2023



Avenue Nestlé 55 1800 Vevey CH

Waren und Dienstleistungen

05 Dietetic substances and food for medical and clinical use; formulated milk, food, beverages and food substances for babies; formulated milk, food, beverages and food substances for babies for medical use; food and food substances for medical use for babies, children and patients; food and food substances for pregnant women and nursing mothers, for medical use; nutritional and dietetic supplements for medical use; vitamin preparations, mineral food supplements for medical use; dietetic confectionery for medical use
30 Coffee, coffee extracts, coffee-based beverages and preparations; iced coffee; artificial coffee, artificial coffee extracts, artificial coffee-based beverages and preparations; chicory; tea, tea extracts, tea-based beverages and preparations; iced tea; malt-based preparations for human consumption; cocoa and cocoa-based beverages and preparations; chocolate, chocolate products, chocolate-based beverages and preparations; confectionery, sugar confectionery, candy; sugar; chewing gum not for medical use; natural sweeteners; bakery products, bread, yeast, pastries; biscuits, cakes, cookies, wafers, caramels, desserts (included in this class), puddings; edible ices, water ices, sherbets, frozen confectionery, frozen cakes, ice cream, frozen desserts, frozen yogurts, powders and binding agents (included in this class) for making edible ices and/or water ices and/or sherbets and/or frozen confectionery and/or frozen cakes and/or ice cream and/or frozen desserts and/or frozen yogurts; honey and honey substitutes; cereals, breakfast cereals, muesli, corn flakes, cereal bars, ready-to-eat cereals; cereal preparations; rice, pasta, noodles; food products based on rice, flour or cereals, also in the form of cooked dishes; pizzas; sandwiches; ready-to-bake cake paste and food paste preparations; sauces, soya sauce; tomato ketchup; flavoring or seasoning products for food; spices for food, condiments, salad dressings, mayonnaise; mustard; vinegar
Die Bezeichnungen wurden automatisch übersetzt. Übersetzung anzeigen


Datum Belegnummer Bereich Eintrag
23. April 2014 2014/17 Gaz EM Ablehnung
21. Februar 2014 2014/9 Gaz NO Ablehnung
22. April 2013 2013/23 Gaz CH Eintragung

ID: 141163138