TEDi 1E Euro-Discount


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Die Internationale Marke TEDi 1E Euro-Discount wurde als Bildmarke am 30.04.2010 bei der Weltorganisation für geistiges Eigentum angemeldet.

Logodesign (Wiener Klassifikation)

#Zeichen, Notationen, Symbole #Kreise #Briefe, die eine besondere Form des Schreibens darstellen #Farben #Währungssymbole #Mehr als zwei Kreise, ineinander, Spiralen #Kreise mit über den Umfang hinausragenden Inschriften #Buchstabenreihen in verschiedenen Dimensionen #Vier Farben

Markendetails Letztes Update: 01. Mai 2020

Markenform Bildmarke
Aktenzeichen 1047578
Länder Georgien Albanien Armenien Aserbaidschan Bosnien und Herzegowina Weißrussland Schweiz Kroatien Montenegro Mazedonien Serbien Russland Ukraine
Basismarke DE Nr. 30 2010 026 278.8/35, 30. April 2010
Anmeldedatum 30. April 2010
Ablaufdatum 30. April 2030


Brackeler Hellweg 301
44309 Dortmund


Benrather Straße 15 40213 Düsseldorf DE

Waren und Dienstleistungen

35 Retail services in relation to chemical products for commercial, scientific, photographic, horticulture and forestry purposes, artificial resins, unprocessed, plastics, unprocessed, fertilizers, fire-extinguishing compositions, means for hardening and soldering of metals, chemical products for preserving food, tanning substances, adhesives for industrial purpose, paints, lacquers, rust inhibitor, wood preservatives, colorants, mordants, natural resins, metal foils and metals in powder form for painters, decorators, printers and artists, detergents, cleansers, cosmetics, ethereal oils, perfumery, dentifrices, shampoos, fuel and lighters, candles, grease, medicines, dressings, medical, fungicides, herbicides, pesticides, pharmaceutical and veterinary products, plasters, disinfectant products, dietetic products adapted for medical purposes, food for babies, building materials of metal, metal ware, safes (strong boxes), cashboxes of metal, machines and machine tools, engines, agricultural implements, other than hand-operated, tools, garden tools, table cutlery, scissors, knives, razors, utensils for household purposes, electric and electronic apparatus, cameras, glasses, cases for glasses, computers, software, computer peripheral devices, phones, storage media, blank and recorded CD's, DVD's, electric batteries, fire extinguishers, medical instruments and apparatus, contraceptive, orthopedic products, lamps, light bulbs, electric household devices, lighting devices, vehicles and vehicle accessories, fireworks, watches, jewellery, music instruments, books, magazines (periodicals), newspapers, stationery, office supplies, packaging materials, teaching materials, adhesives for stationery, plastic products, leather goods, bags, suitcases, purses, parasols, umbrellas, building materials, furniture, furnishings, household goods, works of art, decorations, household goods, tableware, pots, cleaning apparatus, ropes, strings, nets, yarns and threads, bed covers, tablecloths, towels, textiles, clothing, footwear, headgear, haberdashery, buttons, artificial flowers, carpets, floor coverings, wallpapers, mats, games, toys, decorations for Christmas trees, gymnastics and sporting articles, novelties for parties, dances (party favours), erotic products, foodstuffs, agricultural, horticultural and forestry products, animal foodstuffs, alcoholic beverages, non-alcoholic beverages, cigarettes, tobacco, smokers' articles, matches, tobacco products
Die Bezeichnungen wurden automatisch übersetzt. Übersetzung anzeigen


Datum Belegnummer Bereich Eintrag
30. April 2020 2020/18 Gaz Verlängerung
28. April 2015 2015/29 Gaz TR Ablehnung
23. April 2015 2015/18 Gaz RU RAW: Rule 18ter(2)(i) GP following a provisional refusal
29. September 2014 2014/41 Gaz CH Ablehnung
25. September 2014 2014/47 Gaz RU Ablehnung
18. September 2014 2014/39 Gaz BY Ablehnung
12. September 2014 2014/38 Gaz UA Ablehnung
21. Januar 2014 2014/8 Gaz TR Ablehnung
14. August 2013 2013/38 Gaz DE Korrektur
21. Juni 2012 2012/27 Gaz MD Ablehnung
26. Oktober 2011 2011/45 Gaz GE Ablehnung
14. Oktober 2011 2013/6 Gaz AM RAW: Rule 18ter(2)(ii) GP following a provisional refusal
03. Oktober 2011 2011/43 Gaz BA Ablehnung
15. September 2011 2011/38 Gaz RS Ablehnung
07. September 2011 2011/38 Gaz ME Ablehnung
15. Juli 2011 2011/31 Gaz AM Ablehnung
07. Juli 2011 2011/28 Gaz HR Ablehnung
27. Juni 2011 2011/27 Gaz MD Ablehnung
30. April 2010 2010/35 Gaz DE Eintragung
Teilweise Löschung

ID: 141047578