string(1) " " int(61) string(13) "STOCK COMPANY" string(18) "Splendid Drinks AG" string(1) " " int(61) string(13) "STOCK COMPANY" string(18) "Splendid Drinks AG" string(1) " " int(61) string(13) "STOCK COMPANY" string(18) "Splendid Drinks AG" string(1) " " int(61) string(13) "STOCK COMPANY" string(18) "Splendid Drinks AG" string(1) " " int(61) string(13) "STOCK COMPANY" string(18) "Splendid Drinks AG" string(1) " " int(61) string(13) "STOCK COMPANY" string(18) "Splendid Drinks AG" 28BLACK - Info on trademark no 6197696 USPTO, 01/09/2020] · TMDB



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The US trademark 28BLACK was filed as Word mark on 01/09/2020 at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 11/17/2020. The current status of the mark is "REGISTERED".

Trademark Details Last update: December 4, 2021

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 6197696
Register number 79282556
Application date January 9, 2020
Entry date November 17, 2020
Expiration date November 17, 2030

Trademark owner

8, Am ScheerleckL-6868 Wecker

Trademark representatives

330 Main St 84037 Kaysville US

goods and services

3 Cosmetics and Cleaning Preparations
25 Clothing
32 Light Beverages
33 Wines and Spirits

ID: 13