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The US trademark LEZANOVA was filed as Word mark on 08/13/2003 at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 12/28/2004. The current status of the mark is "CANCELLED - SECTION 8".

Trademark Details

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 78287043
Register number 2914552
Application date August 13, 2003
Publication date October 5, 2004
Entry date December 28, 2004

Trademark owner

Nakazaki-nishi 2-chome
Kita-ku, Osaka

Trademark representatives

goods and services

18 (Based on 44(e) Registration Number 2489601) Animal raw hides; leather, curried leather, water-repellent leather, oil-repellent leather, and stain proof leather, all sold in bulk; Boston bags; backpacks; trunks for traveling; shoulder bags; handbags; carry-on bags; suitcases; briefcases; traveling bags; school bags; satchels; leather shopping bags; purses; wallets; commutation ticket cases; business card cases; credit card cases; attaché cases; key cases; horse riding saddles; horse riding whips; reins; harnesses; umbrellas; parasols; umbrella covers and handles; and cane handles
25 (Based on 44(e) Registration Number 2478026) Suits; jackets; blazers; blousons; vests; pants; trousers; skirts; evening dresses; coats; open-necked shirts; blouses; sport shirts; polo shirts; corsets; underwear; pajamas; berets; hats; caps; gloves; neckties; mufflers; leather belts; leather money belts; leather suspenders; anoraks; ski suits; ski wear; ski gloves; athletic uniforms; footwear; slippers; inner soles; heelpieces; insoles; welts for shoes; footwear uppers; tips for footwear; athletic footwear, namely, golf shoes, bowling shoes, boxing shoes, basketball sneakers, horse-riding boots, climbing boots, ski boots, soccer shoes, and baseball shoes
28 (Based on 44(e) Registration Number 2489602) Ice skates; roller skates; in-line skates; baseball gloves; baseball batting gloves; catcher's mitts; golf gloves; bicycling gloves; boxing gloves; goalkeeper's gloves; handball gloves; hockey gloves; archery gloves; fencing gloves; bowling gloves; racquet cases; bat cases; bowling bags; boxing bags; golf bags; and portable ski carriers, all made of leather

ID: 1378287043