ELI Logo (USPTO, 22.10.2002)
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Die US-Marke ELI wurde als Wort-Bildmarke am 22.10.2002 beim Amerikanischen Patent- und Markenamt angemeldet. Der aktuelle Status der Marke ist "REGISTERED AND RENEWED".
#USPTO: 14.11.08 - Locks, Locks and key holes; padlocks; combination locks, Locks, combination, Padlocks #USPTO: 18.11.25 - Battery carrier trays for automobiles, Belts, safety, vehicle, Brakes (automobile), Car seats, baby, Clutches, vehicles, Gear shifts, vehicle, Grills (automobile), Head lights, vehicle, Hitches, (trailers), Horns (vehicular), Jacks (vehicle), Kick stands (bicycle), License plates, Lights, auto, Lights, bicycle, Mirrors, vehicle, Pedals (vehicular), Porthole, Racks, (automobile), Radiators, vehicle, Sails, Seat belts, vehicle, Stick shifts (automobile), Windshields (vehicular) #USPTO: 26.03.21 - Ovals that are completely or partially shaded #USPTO: 27.03.05 - Objects forming letters or numerals
Markenform | Wort-Bildmarke |
Aktenzeichen | 2804822 |
Registernummer | 78176978 |
Anmeldedatum | 22. Oktober 2002 |
ID: 13