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Die US-Marke B wurde als Wort-Bildmarke am 22.03.2001 beim Amerikanischen Patent- und Markenamt angemeldet.
Sie wurde am 09.12.2003 im Markenregister eingetragen. Der aktuelle Status der Marke ist "CANCELLED - SECTION 8".

Markendetails Letztes Update: 18. Mai 2018

Markenform Wort-Bildmarke
Aktenzeichen 76229753
Registernummer 2790169
Anmeldedatum 22. März 2001
Veröffentlichungsdatum 04. Juni 2002
Eintragungsdatum 09. Dezember 2003


Ebinger Strasse 115
D-72474 Winterlingen


Waren und Dienstleistungen

7 Power operated, rotating cutting tools, especially reamers, single blade reamers, taper reamers, chucking reamers, chucking reamers with solid carbide head/carbide tips, chucking with unequal and extremely unequal spacing, chucking expander reamers, chucking helical reamers, special front cutting machine reamers, adjustable chucking reamers, adjustable rose chucking reamers, adjustable shell rose chucking reamers, machine reamers, shell reamers, shell helical reamers, high performance rapid reamers, indexable reamers, reamers with indexable cutting inserts, multiplate reamer, revet hole reamers, shell holder, bits for counter sinking, counter boring, precision engineering, drilling, core drilling, shell drilling, routing, reaming, drills, core drills, threefluted core drills, shell core drills, subland drills, indexable precision core drills, center core drills, conical drills, counter bores, counter sinks, taper counter sinks, single lip taper counter sinks, pipe debuning device, step tool for drilling or reaming, tipped step tool, combined reaming and counter boring tool, adjustable step tool, Upped single blade reamer, multi step reamer with adjustable tipped inserts, line boring tool, compensation adapter, floating tool holder, reamer including an axial adjusting unit for the inserted plates and structural parts of all above mentioned parts
8 Hand operated, rotating cutting tools, especially hand reamers, hand reamers with flutes straight or with a left or right hand spiral, hand reamers with adjustable flutes, quick-action adjustable hand reamers, quick-action adjustable hand reamers with pilot, spare plates and adjusting nuts, hand taper reamers, helical hand taper reamers with Morse taper shank, taper counter sink with handle, pipe deburring device with handle and structural parts of all above mentioned parts
42 Design and testing for rotating cutting tool and replacement parts thereof for others, technical consultation regarding power operated cutting tools and replacement parts thereof
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ID: 1376229753