Chemical and biological products used in industry and science; Biological preparations for use in industry and science; Biochemical preparations for industrial and scientific purposes; Chemical and biological goods, preparations, articles, substances, media and reagents for scientific use, commercial use and for use in laboratories; Media for cell culture, tissue, biological materials and organisms for non-medical use; Media for cell culture, tissue, biological materials and organisms for scientific use, commercial use and for use in laboratories; Nutritional media for cells, tissue, biological materials and organisms for scientific use and commercial use; Media for freezing cells, tissue, biological materials and organisms and cell cultures for non-medical use; Freezing media for non-medical use
Chemical and biological goods For medical, biomedical, therapeutic, diagnostic and veterinary use; Biological products For medical, biomedical, therapeutic, diagnostic and veterinary use; Chemical and biological goods, preparations, articles, substances, media and reagents for medical, biomedical, therapeutic, diagnostic and veterinary use and for use in medical laboratories; Chemical and biological goods, preparations, articles, substances, media and reagents for medical, biomedical, therapeutic, diagnostic and veterinary use and for use in laboratories; Media for cell culture, tissues, biological materials and organisms for medical, therapeutic, diagnostic and veterinary use; Nutritional media for cells, tissues, biological materials and organisms for medical, therapeutic, diagnostic and veterinary use; Media for freezing cells, tissues, biological materials, organisms and cell cultures for medical, therapeutic, diagnostic and veterinary use; Freezing media For medical, biomedical, therapeutic, diagnostic and veterinary use