EUIPO EUIPO 2023 Trademark registered

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The Union trademark Xcalibur SMART MAPPING was filed as Figurative mark on 12/19/2023 at the European Union Intellectual Property Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 04/25/2024. The current status of the mark is "Trademark registered".

Logodesign (Wiener Klassifikation)

#Other representations of the sun, suns stylized

Trademark Details Last update: June 20, 2024

Trademark form Figurative mark
File reference 018966097
Application date December 19, 2023
Publication date January 17, 2024
Entry date April 25, 2024
Expiration date December 19, 2033

Trademark owner

Place des Alpes 4 c/o Intertrust (Suisse) SA
1201 Geneve

Trademark representatives

Lambroekstraat 5A 1831 Diegem BE

goods and services

42 Geophysical mapping of regional areas; surveying for minerals; surveying for geothermal energy sources; exploration for natural energy resources; exploration for ground water; surveying for natural hydrogen; geophysical exploration and surveying for natural hydrogen; geospatial surveying data acquisition and processing; Provision of geographical information; Providing scientific information, advice and consultancy relating to net zero emissions; Provision of weather information; Meteorological research; Meteorological forecasting; Ecological surveys; Scientific research relating to ecology; Ecological mapping; Conducting technical projects in the field of carbon offsetting; Consultancy services in the field of carbon offsetting; Providing scientific information, advice and consultancy relating to carbon offsetting; Advisory services relating to pollution control (testing and research); Pollution emissions testing; Testing for pollution; Conducting of agricultural surveys; Agricultural research services; Water analysis; Land surveying and mapping; Land monitoring; Advisory services relating to environmental protection; Environmental consultancy services; Environmental hazard assessment; Environmental monitoring services; Environmental surveys; Environmental sustainability assessment services for buildings and developments; Environmental sustainability consultancy services; Environmental testing; Provision of information relating to environmental sustainability; Research and consultancy in the field of environmental conservation; Scientific analysis, testing, and monitoring for environmental conservation purposes; Scientific and technological advisory and research services relating to environmental pollution and protection; Scientific research in the field of environmental protection; Mining Environmental managing and planning; Providing airborne electromagnetic surveying; Providing airborne electromagnetic surveying data, and analysing airborne electromagnetic surveying data; conducting geophysical surveys; Providing airborne radiometric surveying; Providing airborne radiometric surveying data, and analysing airborne radiometric surveying data; Providing airborne gravity gradiometric surveying; Providing airborne gravity gradiometric surveying data, and analysing airborne gravity gradiometric surveying data; airborne gravity and marine gravity geophysical surveying; Airborne Scalar Gravimetry for Regional Gravity Field Mapping and geoid determination; Development of systems for the processing of data; artificial intelligence consultancy; design and development of computer hardware and software for artificial intelligence; design and development of computer hardware and software for machine learning; aerial and satellite survey data acquisition and analysis using artificial intelligence or machine learning; aerial surveying; aerial Lidar surveying and mapping; aerial multispectral imagery and surveying; aerial thermal imagery and surveying; Analyzing and evaluation of airborne surveying data; aerial hyperspectral imagery and surveying; Orthophotography; orthophoto mapping; Satellite Imagery; satellite surveying; satellite mapping; surveying and mapping of land or sea from satellite, fixed wing aircraft, helicopter, or unmanned aerial vehicle; aerial or satellite surveying; aerial or satellite imaging

ID: 11018966097