EUIPO EUIPO 2023 Anmeldung zurückgewiesen

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Die Unionsmarke wurde als 3-D-Marke am 21.04.2023 beim Amt der Europäischen Union für Geistiges Eigentum angemeldet. Der aktuelle Status der Marke ist "Anmeldung zurückgewiesen".

Logodesign (Wiener Klassifikation)

#Andere medizinische oder chirurgische Geräte, Instrumente oder Utensilien, Ohrstöpsel, Gasmasken #3D-Form

Markendetails Letztes Update: 12. Februar 2024

Markenform 3-D-Marke
Aktenzeichen 018865868
Anmeldedatum 21. April 2023


1 Casper Street
06810 Danbury



Waren und Dienstleistungen

5 Pharmaceutical preparations, namely, pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of diabetes, endocrine diseases and disorders; pharmaceutical preparations containing insulin; pharmaceutical preparations for the treatment of metabolic diseases and disorders, lung diseases and disorders, including, pulmonary arterial hypertension, interstitial lung diseases and pulmonary fibrosis
10 Medical devices, namely, inhalers, cartridges, and inhaler systems comprising inhalers and cartridges for administration of pharmaceuticals, all provided empty; medical devices, namely, instruments and apparatus provided empty used for the inhalation of pharmaceuticals
44 Medical information services, namely, providing a website in the medical, pharmaceutical and health fields featuring information related to health, wellness, healthcare, patient support services, pharmaceuticals, pharmaceutical access, drug safety and drug compatibility in relation to therapy and treatment of individuals, adherence to pharmaceutical protocols, and the diagnostic, prophylactic and therapeutic properties of pharmaceuticals; medical care consulting services in the fields of diagnostics, patient treatment and treatment protocols; prescription reminder service for reminding patients of pharmaceutical preparation, dosage, allergic sensitivity, and refills for medical treatment purposes; medical services in the nature of providing medical advice in the field of pharmaceutical use, patient health and treatment services; medical services in the nature of providing information on health, wellness, healthcare, patient support services, pharmaceuticals, pharmaceutical access, drug safety and drug compatibility relating to therapy and the diagnostic, prophylactic and therapeutic properties of pharmaceuticals
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ID: 11018865868