Scientific instruments, apparatus, and equipment for bioprocessing or biotechnology; Laboratory instruments, apparatus, and equipment; Scientific, optical, weighing, measuring, signaling, and laboratory apparatus and instruments; Computer software; Software for data processing and analysis; Software for designing, performing, and analyzing experiments; Computer programs for acquiring, storing, monitoring, analyzing, reporting, reproducing, or managing data for bioprocessing systems; Software for designing, operating, controlling, monitoring, regulating, managing, analyzing, or optimizing bioprocessing systems; Software for equipment used to process, monitor, regulate, manage, cultivate, incubate, filter, analyze, or produce microorganisms, cells, tissue, biological materials, pharmaceuticals, or therapeutic agents; Software for controlling apparatus, equipment and installations for controlling processes and applications; Bioprocessing control system; Biocontroller software; Software for a bioreactor system; Bioreactor control system; Control system for bioprocessing equipment; Biocontroller for controlling one or more bioreactors; Computer hardware; hardware for bioprocessing systems or equipment; biocontroller hardware; Peripheral devices for computers and laboratory equipment, namely data input, data output, data displays, data transfer, data storage, or control apparatuses; Bioprocessing installations, system, equipment, or instruments; Installations, systems, equipment, or instruments for processing, monitoring, regulating, cultivating, incubating, filtering, processing, analyzing, or producing microorganisms, cells, tissue, biological materials, pharmaceuticals, or therapeutic agents; Installations, systems, equipment, or instruments for process analysis and biotechnology; Bioprocessing system for the research, development, or production of biological materials, pharmaceuticals, or therapeutic agents; Laboratory equipment and apparatus for monitoring, regulating, managing, cultivating, incubating, filtering, processing, analyzing, experimenting with, or producing microorganisms, cells, tissues, biological materials, pharmaceuticals, or therapeutic agents; Apparatus for cultivating microorganisms, cells, tissue, or biological materials; Bioprocessing equipment for producing or analyzing the production of vaccines or therapeutic agents; Bioprocessing equipment for batch cultivation; Bioprocessing equipment for fed-batch cultivation; Bioprocessing equipment for perfusion; Bioprocessing equipment for continuous cultivation of biological materials; Bioreactor system; Bioreactors; Autoclavable bioreactors; Sterilizable-in-place bioreactor systems; Single use bioreactors; Continuous manufacturing bioreactors; Micro-bioreactors; Mini-bioreactors; Bioreactor components and spare parts; Bioreactor accessories; Bioprocessing equipment and accessories, namely laboratory devices; rockers, shakers, agitators, stirrers, mixers, motor controllers, microtiter plates, substrates with growth medium, cell culture vessels, bags, containers, receptacles, vessels, centrifuges, incubators, fermenters, filters, freezers, balances, scales, mass comparators, weighing apparatus, measuring apparatus, samplers, pipettes, syringes, dosing instruments, dispensers, cell retention devices, analyzers, or sensors; Sensors, namely oxygen sensors, carbon dioxide sensors, gas sensors, pH sensors, RedOx sensors, biomass sensors, density sensors, optical sensors, concentration sensors, conductivity sensors, pressure sensors, flow sensors, temperature sensors, moisture sensor, humidity sensor, chemical sensors, bioreactor sensors, or bioprocessing sensors