
EUIPO EUIPO 2015 Trademark registered

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The Union trademark Equiwipes was filed as Word mark on 06/12/2015 at the European Union Intellectual Property Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 10/14/2015. The current status of the mark is "Trademark registered".

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Trademark Details Last update: December 16, 2024

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 014242366
Application date June 12, 2015
Publication date July 7, 2015
Entry date October 14, 2015
Expiration date June 12, 2025

Trademark owner

Ballindamm 40
20095 Hamburg

Trademark representatives

Kaistraße 16A 40221 Düsseldorf DE

goods and services

3 Animal skin care preparations, In particular containing or based on protein hydrolysates; Skin care preparations (not for medical purposes), in particular containing or based on protein hydrolysates; Animal skin washing preparations, In particular containing or based on protein hydrolysates; Animal skin lotions, In particular of products containing or based on protein hydrolysates; Animal skin smoothing preparations, In particular of products containing or based on protein hydrolysates; waves, In particular of products containing or based on protein hydrolysates; Shampoos, in particular products containing or based on protein hydrolysates
35 Retailing (including via the internet and other communications networks) in the field of animal care products, animal cosmetic products, skin care products; Wholesaling (including via the internet and other communications networks) in the field of animal care products, animal cosmetic products, skin care products; Wholesaling (including via the internet and other communications networks) in the field of raw materials for making animal cosmetic products, animal care products, in particular for making animal skin care preparations, animal skin colorants, animal skin washing preparations, animal skin lotions, shampoos, hair mousses, animal skin smoothing preparations, hair-setting preparations, skin care preparations (not for medical purposes), hair-waving preparations and hair-volumising preparations
41 Providing of training in the field of applying animal skin care products, in particular products containing or based on protein hydrolysates; Providing of training in the field of the application of skin care products, in particular products containing or based on protein hydrolysates; Providing of training in the field of applying animal cosmetic products, in particular products containing or based on protein hydrolysates

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
November 14, 2024 Extension, Notification of expiry of trade mark
April 6, 2022 Change Representative, Published
July 9, 2015 Transfer / Change of address, Registered

ID: 11014242366