
EUIPO EUIPO 2012 Anmeldung zurückgewiesen

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Die Unionsmarke Totalcom wurde als Wortmarke am 09.11.2012 beim Amt der Europäischen Union für Geistiges Eigentum angemeldet. Der aktuelle Status der Marke ist "Anmeldung zurückgewiesen".

Markendetails Letztes Update: 09. Februar 2024

Markenform Wortmarke
Aktenzeichen 011334067
Anmeldedatum 09. November 2012


275 West Street, Suite 400
21401-1740 Annapolis,


5 New Street Square EC4A 3TW London GB

Waren und Dienstleistungen

9 Communications transmission apparatus and software for enabling secure celestial, terrestrial and wireless transmission of voice, video and data communications
37 Telecommunication installation services, namely, installation of all types of telecommunication networks, namely, wired, wireless, marine, airborne, and space telecommunications networks; service operations for secure voice, video, and data communications, namely, maintenance and repair of telecommunications hardware for communicating between fixed sites and remote operations over wired, wireless, marine, airborne and space telecommunications networks
38 Providing secure voice, video and data communications between fixed sites and remote operations over all types of networks, namely, wired, wireless, marine, airborne and space networks
42 Telecommunication design services, namely, design of wired, wireless, marine, airborne, and space telecommunication networks; technical support services, namely, help desk services, diagnosing hardware and software problems, and troubleshooting software problems pertaining to secure voice, video, and data communications between fixed sites and remote operations over wired, wireless, marine, airborne and space telecommunications networks
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ID: 11011334067