W Wirtgen

EUIPO EUIPO 2010 Trademark registered

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The Union trademark W Wirtgen was filed as Figurative mark on 03/11/2010 at the European Union Intellectual Property Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 10/26/2010. The current status of the mark is "Trademark registered".

Logodesign (Wiener Klassifikation)

#Cog wheels, wheel cogs #Two lines or bands #Broken lines or bands (except A 26.11.13) #One letter #Letter 'W'

Trademark Details Last update: November 6, 2019

Trademark form Figurative mark
File reference 008984072
Application date March 11, 2010
Publication date July 13, 2010
Entry date October 26, 2010
Expiration date March 11, 2030

Trademark owner

Reinhard-Wirtgen-Str. 2
53578 Windhagen

Trademark representatives

goods and services

7 Construction machines,mining machines and reprocessing units and tools therefore, in particular ground working machines, surface miner, machines for ground reworking, machines for road construction, cold milling machines, road finishers, slipform paver, machines for repairing roads, road surface recycling machines, machines for road demolition, soil stabilizing machines, compacting machines for ground working, road building and for waste sites, machines forthe selective mining of raw materials for mining and surface mining, stationary, semi-mobile and mobile treatment and crushing plants for breaking, sieving, separating, classing, washing and transporting of rock material, ore, gravel and recycling material, parts for the aforesaid goods, including drive elements and high-performance tools made of hard metals, milling tools, wearing parts and spare parts for the aforesaid goods
25 Outerwear, T-shirts and sweatshirts, footwear, headgear, ties, overalls, gloves, trousers, waistcoats
37 Consultancy, management and conducting of structural and civil engineering projects, in particular road building projects, mining and surface mining projects, and projects for treatment and crushing of rock material, ore, gravel and recycling material, rental, sale, and consultancy with regard to vehicles, machines and apparatus as well as spare parts and wearing parts therefore, for structural engineering, civil engineering, in particular road building, mining and surface mining, and fortreatment and crushing of rock material, ore; gravel and recycling material, instruction, care, maintenance, and repair (including vehicie breakdown services) of vehicles, machines and apparatus for structural engineering, civil engineering, in particular for road building, mining and surface mining, and for treatment and crushing of rock material, ore, gravel and recycling material
42 Planning of structural and civil engineering projects, In particular road building projects, mining and surface mining projects, and projects for treatment and crushing of rock material/ ore, gravel and recycling material

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
November 5, 2019 Extension, Trade mark renewed
April 26, 2016 Change Representative, Published
April 20, 2016 Change Representative, Published
April 3, 2014 Change Representative, Published
December 7, 2010 Correction, Published

ID: 11008984072