EUIPO EUIPO 2003 Trademark registered

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The Union trademark ERLUS was filed as Figurative mark on 10/30/2003 at the European Union Intellectual Property Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 05/27/2005. The current status of the mark is "Trademark registered".

Logodesign (Wiener Klassifikation)

#One circle #Circles containing one or more letters #Circles with dark surfaces or parts of surfaces #One letter #Letter 'E'

Trademark Details Last update: February 9, 2024

Trademark form Figurative mark
File reference 003489119
Application date October 30, 2003
Publication date November 1, 2004
Entry date May 27, 2005
Expiration date October 30, 2033

Trademark owner

Hauptstr. 106
84088 Neufahrn

Trademark representatives

goods and services

6 Metal building materials, in particular metal building materials for roofs, walls and chimneys; components and accessories (of metal) for roof coverings, in particular sanitary fans, mainly with flexible tubes and aluminium cowls, aluminium sanitary fans; thermal adapters, mainly with base plates; aerial hoods, mainly aluminium aerial hoods; snow guard mounts, mainly aluminium snow guard mounts; pole holders, mainly aluminium pole holders; snow guard double pipe holders, mainly aluminium snow guard double pipe holders; climbing steps for roofs, mainly aluminium climbing steps for roofs; grates, mainly aluminium grates; extension grates, mainly aluminium extension grates; snow guards; snow guard round pipes, mainly aluminium snow guard round pipes; pipe connectors for snow guard round pipes, mainly aluminium pipe connectors for snow guard round pipes; aerial pass-through bricks, mainly with seals; metal roof tiles, mainly galvanised or copper; duct pans for solar installations, slope caps for roof ridges; roof windows, mainly colour-coated or copper; roof ridge clamps; protective bands for eaves; ventilator shafts for eaves; universal tower clamps
19 Building materials (non-metallic), in particular non-metallic building materials of all kinds for roofs, walls and chimneys, including finished parts, roofing tiles, stoneware pipes, fireclay pipes and isostatically pressed pipes and plates; roof ridge and hip ventilating elements of ceramic or plastic; components and accessories (not of metal or partly of metal) for roof coverings, in particular sanitary fans, mainly with flexible tubes and cowls, sanitary fans; thermal adapters, mainly with base plates of plastic; aerial hoods; snow guard mounts; pole holders; snow guard double pipe holders; climbing steps for roofs; grates; extension grates; snow guards; snow guard round pipes, pipe connectors for snow guard round pipes; aerial pass-through bricks, mainly ceramic aerial pass-through bricks with seals; pans of acrylic glass; duct pans for solar installations, mainly ceramic duct pans; slope caps for roof ridges; roof windows, mainly colour-coated; roof ridge clamps; protective bands for eaves; ventilator shafts for eaves; universal tower clamps

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
July 18, 2023 Extension, Trade mark renewed
November 29, 2022 Change Representative, Published
June 21, 2016 Correction, Published
July 31, 2013 Extension, Trade mark renewed
July 9, 2007 Transfer / Change of address, Published

ID: 11003489119