EUIPO EUIPO 1998 Registration expired

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The Union trademark MET was filed as Word mark on 05/12/1998 at the European Union Intellectual Property Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 10/22/2010. The current status of the mark is "Registration expired".

Trademark Details Last update: February 8, 2024

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 000826610
Application date May 12, 1998
Publication date January 10, 2000
Entry date October 22, 2010
Expiration date May 12, 2008

Trademark owner

Whitehall London
SW1A 2HB London

Objection / Complaint

03/30/2000: Likelihood of confusion
04/06/2000: Identity of marks and G&S Likelihood of confusion
04/10/2000: Likelihood of confusion
Major League Baseball Properties, Inc.

goods and services

28 Soft toys; dolls; figurines; electronic games machines; souvenirs; novelty items; jigsaw puzzles; toy action figures; parts and fittings for all the aforesaid goods; all included in class 28
35 Provision of Consultancy and information to the insurance, banking and financial sectors; advertising and promotion; provision of advice to businesses and sporting organisations; all included in Class 35
36 Provision of consultancy and information to the insurance, banking and financial sectors relating to meteorological sciences, weather forecasting, climatic and scientific research but specifically excluding provision of of consultancy and information in the areas of financial and insurance services, but only to the extent that such goods or services are specifically related to meteorological sciences, weather forecasting, or climatic and scientific research relating to weather
38 Electronic mail and telecommunication services; collection, storage, transmission and distribution of data and audio visual images by electronic, satellite, cable, and computing means; Provision of web pages; access and link to databases and the Internet; all included in Class 38
42 Design and technical calibration of instruments and systems; design and maintenance of software and documentation; copyright management and licensing; all included in Class 42

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
June 15, 2009 Change Representative, Published
August 20, 2007 Change Representative, Published
August 20, 2007 Change Representative, Published
November 24, 2006 Change Representative, Published
May 19, 2006 Transfer / Change of address, Registered
May 16, 2006 Change Representative, Registered
November 15, 2001 Transfer / Change of address, Published
June 7, 2001 Change Representative, Registered

ID: 11000826610