IGE IGE 1999 Trademark cancelled

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The Swiss trademark SMARTEAS was filed as Word mark on 11/30/1999 at the Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property.
It was registered as a trademark on 08/17/2000. The current status of the mark is "Trademark cancelled".

Trademark Details Last update: June 25, 2020

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 10915/1999
Register number P-475235
Application date November 30, 1999
Publication date September 6, 2000
Entry date August 17, 2000
Expiration date November 30, 2019

Trademark owner

Victor von Bruns-Strasse 21 8212 Neuhausen am Rheinfall CH

Trademark representatives

St. Annagasse 9, Postfach 1162 8021 Zürich CH

goods and services

9 Elektronische Überwachungsgeräte zum Schutz gegen Diebstahl und Fälschung, zum Aufspüren von Objekten und zur Bestandeskontrolle, namentlich Sicherheitsetiketten und -stecker, Etiketten- und Steckerentferner, Deaktivierungsgeräte, elektronische Lese-, Schreib- und Kontrollgeräte
The designations have been translated automatically. Show translation

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
June 25, 2020 2020062505 M15 Deletion
January 9, 2018 2018010905 M90 Change Representative
January 24, 2017 2017012405 M90 Change Representative
April 12, 2013 2013041205 M30 Transfer / Change of address
April 12, 2013 2013041205 M30 Transfer / Change of address
April 12, 2013 2013041210 M30 Transfer / Change of address
February 8, 2010 2010020805 M30 Transfer / Change of address
February 8, 2010 2010020805 M30 Transfer / Change of address
July 22, 2009 2009072225 M85 Change Representative
July 22, 2009 2009072235 M05 Extension
July 18, 2003 2003071810 M30 Transfer / Change of address
July 18, 2003 2003071810 M30 Transfer / Change of address
August 17, 2000 2000081705 M00 Registration
August 17, 2000 2000081705 M00 Registration

ID: 121200582471