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The International trademark MANAVEST was filed as Word mark on 09/08/2020 at the World Intellectual Property Organization.

Trademark Details Last update: July 27, 2023

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 1568284
Register number 751603
Countries European Community United Kingdom
Base trademark CH No. 751603, April 7, 2020
Application date September 8, 2020
Expiration date September 8, 2030

Trademark owner

Avenue de Champel 75-77
1206 Genève

Trademark representatives

Rue Töpffer 17 1206 Genève CH

goods and services

35 Business management assistance; commercial or industrial company management assistance; business management and organization consultancy; business management consultancy; professional business consultancy; advisory services for business management; commercial business appraisal; information on business matters, in connection with economic advice and in connection with economic expert reports; financial and accounting auditing; economic forecasting; business inquiries; compilation of statistics
36 Financial affairs; monetary affairs; real estate affairs; financial analysis; financial consultancy; stock and bonds brokerage; securities brokerage; stock brokerage; safe deposit services; deposits of valuables; trusteeship; financing services; financial management; financial appraisal, information and research services; capital investments; exchange operations; fund investment; collective investment management; management of undertakings for collective investments; loans; electronic transfer of funds; online financial and monetary transactions; computerized financial services

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
May 22, 2021 2021/21 Gaz EM Rejection
May 12, 2021 2021/19 Gaz GB Rejection
September 8, 2020 2020/51 Gaz CH Registration

ID: 141568284