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The International trademark MIND & LIFE INSTITUTE was filed as Word mark on 10/01/2013 at the World Intellectual Property Organization.

Trademark Details Last update: October 9, 2018

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 1181496
Register number 4113809
Countries Bhutan Switzerland China European Community India Iceland Japan Mongolia Norway Singapore
Base trademark US No. 4113809, March 20, 2012
Application date October 1, 2013
Expiration date October 1, 2023

Trademark owner

4 Bay Road, Suite 101
Hadley MA 01035

Trademark representatives

Jones Day, 250 Vesey Street New York NY 10281 US

goods and services

16 Educational publications, namely, books, pamphlets and event programs in the fields of contemplative neuroscience, contemplative clinical science, traditional mind sciences, social sciences, contemplative scholarship and practice, philosophy and humanities
35 Administration and management of research grants
41 Educational services, namely, conducting dialogues, conferences, scientific retreats, and educational research in the fields of philosophy and humanities, namely contemplative neuroscience, contemplative clinical science, traditional mind sciences, social sciences, contemplative scholarship and practice and distribution of educational materials in connection therewith

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
October 1, 2018 2018/41 Gaz IN RAW: Rule 18ter(2)(i) GP following a provisional refusal
July 2, 2015 2015/28 Gaz BT Rejection
March 19, 2015 2015/15 Gaz IN Rejection
March 4, 2015 2015/13 Gaz EM RAW: Rule 18ter(2)(ii) GP following a provisional refusal
January 15, 2015 2015/3 Gaz JP RAW: Rule 18ter(2)(ii) GP following a provisional refusal
January 9, 2015 2015/3 Gaz NO Rejection
November 27, 2014 2014/50 Gaz CN Rejection
November 24, 2014 2014/49 Gaz CH Rejection
October 6, 2014 2014/42 Gaz EM Rejection
September 19, 2014 2014/49 Gaz BT Rejection
August 14, 2014 2014/35 Gaz MN Rejection
July 16, 2014 2014/29 Gaz SG Rejection
June 19, 2014 2014/25 Gaz JP Rejection
April 22, 2014 2014/21 Gaz IS Rejection
March 28, 2014 2014/15 Gaz NO Rejection
October 1, 2013 2013/44 Gaz US Registration

ID: 141181496