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The International trademark DOWN WITH BIG ERP was filed as Word mark on 11/11/2009 at the World Intellectual Property Organization.

Trademark Details Last update: January 1, 2021

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 1023286
Countries China European Community Japan
Base trademark US No. 77869551, November 10, 2009
Application date November 11, 2009
Expiration date November 11, 2019

Trademark owner

13560 Morris Road,
Suite 4100

Trademark representatives

One Logan Square, 8th Floor US

goods and services

09 Computer programs and software, namely enterprise software applications for manufacturers and distributors in the areas of supplier management, sales management, sales force automation, warehousing, distribution, logistics, customer service, customer asset management, customer relationship management, product lifecycle management, transportation logistics management, transportation resource planning, supplier relationship management, order entry, inventory and production planning, product design, procurement order management, supply chain management, facility planning, tax planning, accounting, financial and business analysis, administration and forecasting, support services, supply chain collaboration, human resource administration and resource planning, distribution resource planning, retail resource planning, electronic data interchange, management of accounts payable and receivable, ordering, invoicing, telemarketing, shipping customer orders, field services, quality management, manufacturing execution systems, product and sales order configuration, and enterprise resource planning; computer programs and software which allows users to perform business transactions over the internet, namely ordering and fulfilling orders for products, creating on-line product catalogs, tracking product order status and managing information relating to business transactions
35 Business consultation

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
December 12, 2020 2020/50 Gaz Deletion
November 15, 2010 2010/46 Gaz EM Rejection
August 26, 2010 2010/35 Gaz CN Rejection
June 17, 2010 2010/24 Gaz JP Rejection
November 11, 2009 2009/51 Gaz US Registration

ID: 141023286