Computer hardware, namely, optical reader/writer, CD-Rom
drives, bar code readers, and modems, and integrated
computer software enabling remote access to, interaction
with, and operation with electronic systems for business,
financial, and academic functions and operations; and
computer programs for accessing, transmitting, searching,
retrieving, printing, downloading, monitoring, and reporting
upon information from remote databases containing audio,
video, graphic, and text-based information; for operating
and/or controlling or being controlled by remote computers
or computer databases, remote television, radio, and other
programming, and remote hyper-linked information systems
through telephones, computers, and public access terminals;
for creating, editing, transmitting, storing, and receiving
video, graphic, audio, and text information; for
communicating over the global computer network; for computer
systems administration, namely, monitoring and administering
selectable site access restrictions, time-out, and security
codes, and reporting upon and accounting for the foregoing
activities; for billing and payment administration; for
voice interaction with the global computer network, and real
time and stored data, voice, and video communications using
telephones, computers, public access terminals, radio,
electromagnetic waves, and other signals, local area
networks, and wide area networks; for transmission and
reception of documents and other information, and document
reproduction; for integration and operation of electronic
circuits, interface cards, computers, video display
terminals, printers, scanners, printed circuit and component
boards, namely, boards for facsimile transmission and
reception, optical character recognition, voice recognition,
and text-to-speech applications; and for integration and
operation of modems and magnetic surface readers/writers,
magnetic disk and tape readers/writers, and bar code
readers; computer programs for facilitating payment for
goods and services through credit cards and debit cards, for
integrating, connecting and exchanging data and business
logic between conventional computer programs and the
Internet, and for managing purchase and sale transactions
and other recordkeeping functions for institutions of higher
Credit card transaction processing services, namely
facilitating credit card, debit card and electronic check
transactions of others over the Internet and over terminals
and servers in a local area network; computer programs and
manuals therefor used for managing merchant transactions
both over the Internet and over terminals and servers
connected via a local area network
Computer programming for others