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The US trademark LIQUEFIN was filed as Word mark on 12/15/2017 at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 03/12/2019. The current status of the mark is "REGISTERED".

Trademark Details

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 79228117
Register number 5693987
Application date December 15, 2017
Publication date December 25, 2018
Entry date March 12, 2019

goods and services

7 Compressors for gas compression; valves as machine components; regulators being parts of machines; expansion turbines for internal system refrigeration and not for land vehicles; separators of fluid created from refrigerated natural gas; machines and mechanical equipment dedicated to gas, petroleum chemical or petrochemical industry installations, namely, heat exchangers, compressors for gas compression, expansion turbines not for land vehicles, gas and liquid separators, and local and centralized control systems in the nature of hydraulic controls; chemical product production apparatus, devices and installations, namely, blender machines for industrial and commercial applications, vacuum distillation equipment
11 Installations and apparatus for fluid liquefaction and separation, namely, fluid separation apparatus for separation of gas from liquid in a chemical or oil refinery and evaporation, namely, fluid evaporators for chemical processing and components thereof, namely, pressure relief devices sold as a component of fluid separation apparatus for separation of gas from liquid in a chemical or oil refinery; gas condensers, other than parts of machines; gas separation equipment, namely, gas recycling system comprised primarily of pressure swing adsorption equipment for the recovery, purification and return of gases in industrial applications; gas purification installations and equipment; heat exchangers for natural gas or hydrocarbon gas, not being part of machines; apparatus, installations and equipment for the treatment and liquefaction of hydrocarbon gas and natural gas, namely, ionization apparatus for the treatment of hydrocarbon gas and natural gas for industrial or commercial use; gas production apparatus, devices and installations, namely, gas generating furnaces for industrial purposes

ID: 1379228117