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The US trademark OLIVETTI LEXIKON was filed as Word mark on 03/11/1996 at the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 01/04/2000. The current status of the mark is "CANCELLED - SECTION 8".

Trademark Details Last update: May 3, 2018

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 75070942
Register number 2305041
Application date March 11, 1996
Publication date October 12, 1999
Entry date January 4, 2000

Trademark owner


Trademark representatives

goods and services

9 ink-jet printers, laser printers, dot-matrix printers, and specialized dot-matrix and laser printers for banks optical scanners, optical readers and digitalizers, facsimile machines, computer mainboards, keyboards and interface boards, smart cards for telecommunication, namely, phone cards, fax cards, badges and cards with namely, phone cards, fax cards, badges and cards with microprocessors for data storage, ink-jet printheads, printheads with impact and non impact printheads, photocopying machines and parts thereof, photoconductor drums for use in photocopiers, word processors, network boards, namely, LAN boards, Ethernet and token ring boards, equipment for data and imaging storing, namely, blank digital data and video discs, prerecorded digital data and video discs featuring software programs for word processing training, electronic data access and storage, accessinga global computer network, for general education in the field of fine arts, design, history, geography for use in universities and high schools, and featuring computer game software; magnetic disk storage containers
16 ink ribbons for computer printers, office machines, namely, paper trimmers; typewriters and parts thereof; typewriter keyboards and alphanumeric keyboard overlays; typewriter typeballs and printwheels; typewriter typing elements; typewriter ribbons, ink ribbons, correcting tape for type and reels and cartridges thereof; ink-jet cartridges; copy paper and facsimile transmission paper

ID: 1375070942