instruments and systems for navigation and communications, namely, digital fluxgate magnetometers, electronic data display panels that interface with and display [Loran/]Global Positioning Satellite data, autopilot, radar, and plotter; marine instrument system and [marine charting system,] namely, digital compasses, hand-held compasses and rangefinders, digital heading sensors, angular rate gyros, inclinometers, [boat and wind speed sensors,] Global Positioning Satellite receivers, multifunction displays, CPU that interprets data for multiple sensors; satellite dish antenna, apparatus used to aim a satellite dish antenna; electronic, nautical, optical instrument which combines the functions of a monocular rangefinder, a digital chronometer and fluxgate compass with a digital display of distance, time and bearing data; digital electronic compasses, hand bearing compasses and electronic interface couplers for compasses and autopilots; digital compass and tactical navigation and targeting systems for military vehicle navigation, comprised of digital heading and orientation sensors, CPU that interprets data for multiple sensors, Global Positioning Satellite receiver and automatic compensation software