Chemical, biochemical and biotechnological products for use in industry or research use; chemical, biochemical and biotechnological products for non-medical purposes; chemical, biochemical and biotechnological products for use in in vitro-diagnostic for non-medical purposes; chemical, biochemical and biotechnological products for use in scientific and laboratory research; chemical, biochemical and biotechnological products for use in in-vitro diagnostic for scientific research or laboratory use; kits comprising chemical, biochemical and biotechnological products for industrial and scientific purposes; kits comprising chemical, biochemical and biotechnological products for use in in-vitro diagnostic for non-medical purposes; non-medical reagents, enzymes and chemicals, used in analytical chemistry, for scientific and/or medical research use for marking, separating, isolating and/or for the analysis of biopolymers, in particular nucleic acids, in particular reagents, enzymes and buffer solutions for nucleic acid isolation and analysis; chemical test kits for laboratory or research use for marking, separating, isolating and/or for the analysis of biopolymers, in particular nucleic acids, in particular comprising reagents, enzymes and buffer solutions for nucleic acid isolation and analysis
Chemical, biochemical and biotechnological products for medical and veterinary purposes; chemical, biochemical and biotechnological products for human in-vitro diagnostic purposes; chemical, biochemical and biotechnological reagents and preparations for human in-vitro diagnostic purposes; kits comprising chemical, biochemical and biotechnological products for human in vitro diagnostic; chemical , biochemical and biotechnological products for medical and pharmaceutical research; kits comprising chemical products for human in vitro diagnostic for medical or pharmaceutical purposes; kits comprising chemical, biochemical and biotechnological products for human in vitro diagnostic for detection of pathogens, viruses and bacteria for medical or pharmaceutical purposes; diagnostic preparations for medical and veterinary purposes, namely diagnostics preparations for marking, separating, isolating and/or for the analysis of biopolymers, namely nucleic acids; diagnostic reagents, enzymes and buffer solutions for nucleic acid isolation and analysis for medical or veterinary purposes; chemical, biochemical and biotechnological diagnostic preparations for medical and veterinary purposes, namely reagents, enzymes and buffer solutions for marking, separating, isolating and/or for the analysis of biopolymers, namely nucleic acids; diagnostic kits containing preparations for medical and veterinary diagnostic purposes, namely for marking, separating, isolating and/or for the analysis of biopolymers, namely nucleic acids; diagnostic kits containing reagents, enzymes and buffer solutions for nucleic acid isolation, amplification and analysis for medical or veterinary purposes
Laboratory apparatus and instruments; Scientific apparatuses, instruments and devices, including from recycled material, as well as their parts and components included in this class; tubes, pipette tips, chromatographic columns, including tubes, pipette tips and chromatographic columns from recycled material; Hollow glassware for laboratory use; Glassware for scientific use [specifically adapted]; Hollow glass containers for measuring; Laboratory storage tubes, including from recycled material; Holders for test tubes, including from recycled material; Disposable dispenser syringes for laboratory use, including from recycled material; Software for use in scientific and medical research; Scientific apparatuses, instruments and devices, in particular in the area of analysis of nucleic acid; Laboratory filters; Ultra filtration membranes for laboratory apparatus; Filters for biological samples, including blood and blood components for laboratory use; Filters for biological samples, including blood and blood components for laboratory experiments; Laboratory instrument for the detection of pathogens and toxins in a biological sample for research use