EUIPO EUIPO 2021 Trademark registered

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The Union trademark CURVEPERFORM was filed as Word mark on 10/20/2021 at the European Union Intellectual Property Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 02/03/2022. The current status of the mark is "Trademark registered".

Trademark Details Last update: February 8, 2024

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 018581476
Application date October 20, 2021
Publication date October 27, 2021
Entry date February 3, 2022
Expiration date October 20, 2031

Trademark owner

Meander 451
6825 md Arnhem

goods and services

19 Building and construction materials and elements, not of metal; Structures and transportable buildings, not of metal; Doors, gates, windows and window coverings, not of metal; Common sheet glass for building; Float glass for building; Laminated flat glass [for building]; Building materials consisting of glass; Structural elements of glass; Decorative glass [for building]; Transparent doors of glass for buildings; Window glass, other than vehicle window glass; Fire retarding glass for use in construction; Toughened glass for building; Building glass; Window glass; Glass in sheet form for use in doors; Building bricks (Glass -); Glass elements for windows; Glass panels for building construction; Glass panels for doors; Glass panels; Plate glass [windows] for building; Doors made of glass for buildings; Glass walls; Heat reflecting glass for building; Infrared reflective glass for use in building; Covered walkways made entirely of glass; Cladding panels made of glass
21 Unworked and semi-worked glass, not specified for use; Laminated flat glass [not for building]; Sheets of glass, other than for building; Figured plate glass, not for building; Polished plate glass; Pressed glass; Smoothed plate glass; Unworked glass; Glass, unworked or semi-worked, except building glass; Glass sheets; Plaques of glass; Glassware; Anti-reflecting glass; Semi-worked glass; Glass (Semi-worked -) adapted to absorb ultra-violet radiation; Heat reflecting glass [semi-worked]

ID: 11018581476