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Die Unionsmarke OVM! BY VAGISIL wurde als Wortmarke am 01.11.2018 beim Amt der Europäischen Union für Geistiges Eigentum angemeldet. Der aktuelle Status der Marke ist "Anmeldung zurückgezogen".

Markendetails Letztes Update: 20. November 2018

Markenform Wortmarke
Aktenzeichen 017979496
Anmeldedatum 01. November 2018


1101 Westchester Avenue
10604-3597 White Plains,


10 Old Bailey EC4M 7NG London GB

Waren und Dienstleistungen

3 Non-medicated cosmetic products, namely, feminine hygiene washes, feminine soothing creams for the skin, moisturizers for the skin at the external vaginal area, feminine deodorant powders, pre-moistened feminine wipes/towelettes, pre-shave balms, pre-shave gels, pre-shave lotions, post-shave balms, post-shave liquids, and post-shave lotions
5 Medicated non-prescription products, namely, vaginal lubricants, vaginal moisturizers, medicated products for the vaginal area, anti-itch gels for the skin at the external vaginal area, feminine antiperspirant gels, prefilled applicators for internal and external lubrication and moisturization of the vagina, medicated anti-itch creams, and pre-moistened feminine wipes/towelettes
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ID: 11017979496