EUIPO EUIPO 2017 Trademark registered

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The Union trademark HITCH was filed as Word mark on 12/21/2017 at the European Union Intellectual Property Office.
It was registered as a trademark on 05/09/2018. The current status of the mark is "Trademark registered".

Trademark Details Last update: February 26, 2024

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 017629882
Application date December 21, 2017
Publication date January 31, 2018
Entry date May 9, 2018
Expiration date December 21, 2027

Trademark owner

2225 Lawson Lane
95054 Santa Clara

Trademark representatives

goods and services

9 Computer software allowing employees to communicate with other employees concerning work assignments, work performance and allocation, division and sharing of work projects, and training and development in workplaces; computer software to be used by employees for searching, creating, editing, uploading, downloading, accessing, viewing, posting, displaying, tagging, blogging, streaming, linking, annotating, transmitting and sharing information concerning their own and other employees' work capabilities, work performance, work allocation and work preferences; computer software to be used by employees for searching, creating, editing, uploading, downloading, accessing, viewing, posting, displaying, tagging, blogging, streaming, linking, annotating, transmitting and sharing work management, work preference, work training and work development information; computer software to be used by employees for searching, creating, editing, uploading, downloading, accessing, viewing, posting, displaying, tagging, blogging, streaming, linking, annotating, transmitting and sharing work opportunities information; computer software to be used by employees for searching, creating, editing, uploading, downloading, accessing, viewing, posting, displaying, tagging, blogging, streaming, linking, annotating, transmitting and sharing work-life balance and work-hour utilization information; computer software to be used by employees for searching, creating, editing, uploading, downloading, accessing, viewing, posting, displaying, tagging, blogging, streaming, linking, annotating, transmitting and sharing information concerning the location of themselves, other employees, workplaces, and points of interest (POIs) on work development opportunities; computer software to be used for searching, compiling, creating, editing, uploading, downloading, accessing, viewing, posting, displaying, tagging, blogging, streaming, linking, annotating, transmitting and sharing information on work characteristics and work performance indicators of employees, and matchmaking employees to form work-related teams; computer software allowing employees to provide and collect feedback on the work performance of other employees for the searching, creating, editing, uploading, downloading, accessing, viewing, posting, displaying, tagging, blogging, streaming, linking, annotating, transmitting and sharing of work performance indicators; computer software for the searching, creating, editing, uploading, downloading, accessing, viewing, posting, displaying, tagging, blogging, streaming, linking, annotating, transmitting and sharing of work performance indicators of employees; computer software for analysis of employee skills and work performance information; computer software for personnel and business management; downloadable electronic publications in the fields of work, personnel and business management
42 Software as a service (SaaS), namely, computer software for use by employees for communicating with other employees about work assignments, work performance and allocation, division and sharing of work projects, and training and development in workplaces; software as a service (SaaS), namely, computer software for use by employees for searching, creating, editing, uploading, downloading, accessing, viewing, posting, displaying, tagging, blogging, streaming, linking, annotating, transmitting and sharing information concerning their own and other employees' work capabilities, work performance, work allocation and work preferences; software as a service (SaaS), namely, computer software for use by employees for searching, creating, editing, uploading, downloading, accessing, viewing, posting, displaying, tagging, blogging, streaming, linking, annotating, transmitting and sharing work management, work preference, work training and work development information; software as a service (SaaS), namely, computer software for use by employees for searching, creating, editing, uploading, downloading, accessing, viewing, posting, displaying, tagging, blogging, streaming, linking, annotating, transmitting and sharing work opportunities information; software as a service (SaaS), namely, computer software for use by employees for searching, creating, editing, uploading, downloading, accessing, viewing, posting, displaying, tagging, blogging, streaming, linking, annotating, transmitting and sharing work-life balance and work-hour utilization information; software as a service (SaaS), namely, computer software for use by employees for searching, creating, editing, uploading, downloading, accessing, viewing, posting, displaying, tagging, blogging, streaming, linking, annotating, transmitting and sharing information concerning the location of themselves, other employees, workplaces, and points of interest (POIs) on work development opportunities; software as a service (SaaS), namely, computer software to be used for searching, compiling, creating, editing, uploading, downloading, accessing, viewing, posting, displaying, tagging, blogging, streaming, linking, annotating, transmitting and sharing information on work characteristics and work performance indicators of employees, and matchmaking employees to form work-related teams; software as a service (SaaS), namely, computer software allowing employees to provide and collect feedback on the work performance of other employees for the searching, creating, editing, uploading, downloading, accessing, viewing, posting, displaying, tagging, blogging, streaming, linking, annotating, transmitting and sharing of work performance indicators; software as a service (SaaS), namely, computer software for the searching, creating, editing, uploading, downloading, accessing, viewing, posting, displaying, tagging, blogging, streaming, linking, annotating, transmitting and sharing of work performance indicators of employees; software as a service (SaaS), namely, computer software for analysis of employees' skills and work performance information; software as a service (SaaS), namely, computer software for personnel and business management; Providing temporary use of on-line non-downloadable software for employees' work management, performance, development, sharing, allocation, training and opportunities; Providing temporary use of on-line non-downloadable software in the form of electronic publications in the fields of work, personnel and business management

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
February 23, 2024 Change Representative, Published
February 9, 2024 Transfer / Change of address, Published
December 8, 2020 Transfer / Change of address, Published
December 3, 2020 Change Representative, Published
September 1, 2020 Transfer / Change of address, Published
September 28, 2018 Change Representative, Published

ID: 11017629882