IGE IGE 1975 Trademark registered

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The Swiss trademark FISONS was filed as Word mark on 04/11/1975 at the Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property.
It was registered as a trademark on 05/06/1975. The current status of the mark is "Trademark registered".

Trademark Details Last update: March 20, 2018

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 01663/1975
Register number 3P-276272
Application date April 11, 1975
Publication date June 17, 1975
Entry date May 6, 1975
Expiration date April 11, 2025

Trademark owner

RPR House, 50 Kings Hill Avenue, Kings Hill, West Malling (Kent ME19 4AH) GB

goods and services

1 5
Produits chimiques pour usages industriels, scientifiques, photographiques, agricoles et horticoles; produits pharmaceutiques, vétérinaires et hygiéniques; produits diététiques pour enfants et malades; emplâtres, matériel pour pansements; matières pour plomber les dents et pour empreintes dentaires; désinfectants; préparations pour détruire les mauvaises herbes et les animaux nuisibles; pesticides, herbicides, insecticides, fongicides
The designations have been translated automatically. Show translation

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
March 30, 2015 2015033010 M80 Change Representative
March 24, 2015 2015032405 M05 Extension
November 1, 2010 2010110105 M90 Change Representative
December 22, 2004 2004122205 M05 Extension
October 6, 1998 1998100610 M55 Transfer / Change of address
March 31, 1995 1995033105 M05 Extension
February 28, 1995 1995022805 M55 Transfer / Change of address
May 6, 1975 1975050605 M00 Registration
May 6, 1975 1975050605 M00 Registration

ID: 121200092928