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The International trademark SCI was filed as Word mark on 07/29/2008 at the World Intellectual Property Organization.

Trademark Details Last update: February 19, 2019

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 997750
Register number 001275916
Countries China
Base trademark EU No. 001275916, September 29, 2000
Application date July 29, 2008
Expiration date July 29, 2018

Trademark owner

240 Blackfriars Road
London SE1 8NW

Trademark representatives

Staple Court, 11 Staple Inn Buildings GB

goods and services

09 Computer games; games adapted for use with television receivers and computers; apparatus for games adapted for use with television receivers and computers; video game machines; CD ROMs, all relating to computer or video games; video games; but none of the above goods relating to skis or skiing
16 Printed matter; books; publications; magazines; newspapers; pamphlets; calendars; journals; catalogues; brochures; manuals; all of the above goods relating to computer games or video games
41 Entertainment services; entertainment services, games, interactive games, video games, provided on-line from databases or websites on the internet; publication of books and other publications, all relating to computer games or video games; but none of the above services relating to skis or skiing

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
February 9, 2019 2019/6 Gaz Deletion
February 18, 2010 2010/9 Gaz CN Rejection
July 29, 2008 2009/14 Gaz EM Registration

ID: 14997750