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The International trademark RAU-PROCARE was filed as Word mark on 07/01/2008 at the World Intellectual Property Organization.

Trademark Details Last update: January 15, 2019

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 990943
Register number 302008000043.0/17
Countries Denmark Estonia United Kingdom Greece Ireland Lithuania Sweden Turkey United States of America (USA) Albania Austria Bosnia and Herzegovina Bulgaria Benelux Belarus Switzerland China Cyprus Czechia Spain France Croatia Hungary Italy Kazakhstan Latvia Moldova Montenegro Macedonia Poland Portugal Romania Serbia Russia Slovenia Slovakia Ukraine Vietnam
Base trademark DE No. 30 2008 000 043.0/17, March 5, 2008
Application date July 1, 2008
Expiration date July 1, 2018

Trademark owner

95111 Rehau

goods and services

01 Chemical products for industrial scientific, photographic, agricultural, horticultural, and forestry purposes, especially thermoplastic synthetic materials in the raw state in the form of powders, liquids, granulates, spheres or pastes for the plastics and rubber industry, for the automobile and electronic industry, for the building industry, including the starting materials thereof and auxiliary products for the production thereof, included in this class; master batches on the basis of thermoplastic synthetic materials with additives for the plastics and rubber industry, for the automobile and electronics industry, for the building industry, including the starting materials thereof and auxiliary materials, included in this class; synthetic resins and plastics in the raw state in the form of powders, liquids, granulates, spheres or pastes, included in this class; chemical products for industrial, scientific, photographic, agricultural, horticultural and forestry purposes, especially thermoplastic synthetic materials in the raw state in the form of powders, liquids, granulates, spheres or pastes for frames, casement frames, posts, astragal, blind posts, house doors, leveling profiles, window bar profiles, glass strips, frame broadenings, covering profiles, weather beads, corner posts, bay window profiles, window sills, expansion profiles, angle sections, covering strips, weather bead profiles, groove profiles, roller shutter profiles, roller shutter guiding profiles, cross beam profiles, external cover profiles, internal cover profiles, lintel profiles, floor profiles, inspection profiles, door profiles, frame transoms, guiding strips, leveling strips, clamping strips, static posts, sealing profiles, filling profiles, stop bead profiles, transport supporting profiles, air lifts, glass rebate spreads, spreading profiles, decorative profiles, angle bars, louver shutter profiles, adapter profiles, namely filled, reinforced, stiffened thermoplastically processable materials in the form of powders, liquids, granulates, spheres or pastes, provided that they are contained in this class; plastics in the raw state, namely filled, reinforced, stiffened thermoplastically processable materials in the form of powders, liquids, granulates, spheres or pastes, included in this class
17 Plastic goods (semi-finished goods), namely frames, casement frames, posts, astragal, blind posts, house doors, leveling profiles, window bar profiles, glass strips, frame broadenings, covering profiles, weather beads, corner posts, bay window profiles, window sills, coupling profiles, connecting profiles, furring profiles, reinforcing profiles, expansion profiles, angle sections, covering strips, weather bead profiles, groove profiles, roller shutter profiles, roller shutter guiding profiles, cross beam profiles, external cover profiles, internal cover profiles, lintel profiles, floor profiles, inspection profiles, door profiles, frame transoms, guiding strips, leveling strips, clamping strips, static posts, sealing profiles, filling profiles, stop bead profiles, transport supporting profiles, air lifts, glass rebate spreads, spreading profiles, decorative profiles, angle bars, louver shutter profiles, adapter profiles, plastics, partially processed, namely frames, casement frames, posts, astragal, blind posts, house doors, leveling profiles, window bar profiles, glass strips, frame broadenings, covering profiles, weather beads, corner posts, bay window profiles, window sills, coupling profiles; connecting profiles, furring profiles, reinforcing profiles, expansion profiles, angle sections, covering strips, weather bead profiles, groove profiles, roller shutter profiles, roller shutter guiding profiles, cross beam profiles, external cover profiles, internal cover profiles, lintel profiles, floor profiles, inspection profiles, door profiles, frame transoms, guiding strips, leveling strips, clamping strips, static posts, sealing profiles, filling profiles, stop bead profiles, transport supporting profiles, air lifts, glass rebate spreads, spreading profiles, decorative profiles, angle bars, louver shutter profiles, adapter profiles
19 Building materials (not of metal), namely frames, casement frames, posts, astragal, blind posts, house doors, leveling profiles, window bar profiles, glass strips, frame broadenings, covering profiles, weather beads, corner posts, bay window profiles, window sills, coupling profiles, connecting profiles, furring profiles, reinforcing profiles, expansion profiles, angle sections, covering strips, weather bead profiles, groove profiles, roller shutter profiles, roller shutter guiding profiles, cross beam profiles, external cover profiles, internal cover profiles, lintel profiles, floor profiles, inspection profiles, door profiles, frame transoms, guiding strips, leveling strips, clamping strips, static posts, sealing profiles, filling profiles, stop bead profiles, transport supporting profiles, air lifts, glass rebate spreads, spreading profiles, decorative profiles, angle bars, louver shutter profiles, adapter profiles, reinforcements for building purposes, not of metal, external roller shutters not of metal, window shutters, not of metal, namely, frames, casement frames, posts, astragal, blind posts, house doors, leveling profiles, window bar profiles, glass strips, frame broadenings, covering profiles, weather beads, corner posts, bay window profiles, window sills, coupling profiles, connecting profiles, furring profiles, reinforcing profiles, expansion profiles, angle sections, covering strips, weather bead profiles, groove profiles, roller shutter profiles, roller shutter guiding profiles, cross beam profiles, external cover profiles, internal cover profiles, lintel profiles, floor profiles, inspection profiles, door profiles, frame transoms, guiding strips, leveling strips, clamping strips, static posts, sealing profiles, filling profiles, stop bead profiles, transport supporting profiles, air lifts, glass rebate spreads, spreading profiles, decorative profiles, angle bars, louver shutter profiles, adapter profiles, blinds, not of metal; profiles, not of metal, for building purposes; doors, not of metal, all goods, included in this class
21 Glass fibers, with the exception of those for insulation and textile purposes, namely long glass fibers, short glass fibers, all goods, included in this class
42 Services of a technical measurement and testing laboratory; services of a chemist; services of engineers; services of a chemical laboratory; carrying out chemical analyses; carrying out engineering tests; material testing

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
January 12, 2019 2019/2 Gaz Deletion
December 13, 2010 2010/51 Gaz SE Rejection
October 7, 2010 2010/41 Gaz US Rejection
August 31, 2010 2010/39 Gaz PL RAW: Rule 18ter(2)(ii) GP following a provisional refusal
August 9, 2010 2010/51 Gaz EE Rejection
May 10, 2010 2010/21 Gaz SE Rejection
February 11, 2010 2010/7 Gaz TR Rejection
January 25, 2010 2010/5 Gaz RU Rejection
September 2, 2009 2009/39 Gaz PL Rejection
August 13, 2009 2009/36 Gaz IE RAW: Protection Granted
August 3, 2009 2009/32 Gaz GB RAW: Protection Granted
June 22, 2009 2009/31 Gaz BX RAW: Protection Granted
March 11, 2009 2009/13 Gaz US Rejection
July 1, 2008 DE Registration

ID: 14990943