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Die Internationale Marke ALSCO wurde als Wortmarke am 04.08.2008 bei der Weltorganisation für geistiges Eigentum angemeldet.

Markendetails Letztes Update: 17. Juli 2023

Markenform Wortmarke
Aktenzeichen 988066
Registernummer 3371798
Länder Australien China Deutschland Europäische Gemeinschaft Italien Singapur
Basismarke US Nr. 3371798, 22. Januar 2008
Anmeldedatum 04. August 2008
Ablaufdatum 04. August 2028


505 East 200 South
Salt Lake City UT 84102


Fabian Vancott, 95 South State Street, Suite 2300 US

Waren und Dienstleistungen

35 Retail store services and online retail store services featuring uniforms, clothes, hospital and health care garments, cleanroom garments, linens, mats, rugs, fabrics, cleanroom supplies, gloves, adhesive floor mats, wipers, shoe covers, caps and masks, wet and dry mops, dust control products, paper products, washroom supplies, chemicals and soaps
37 Laundering services for uniforms, hospital and health care garments, cleanroom garments, clothes, linens, mats, rugs and fabrics to commercial industrial and household users; rental of wet and dry mops; repair of uniforms, hospital and health care garments, cleanroom garments, clothes, linens, rugs and fabrics; rental of cleaning equipment, namely, cleanroom supplies and hygiene products for washrooms and restrooms
41 Educational training for cleanroom facilities and equipment
43 Rental of table linens, napkins, towels and bed linens
45 Rental of hospital and health care garments, which includes uniforms, clothing for health care staff and industrial and manufacturing garments, which includes uniforms, food service apparel, coveralls, aprons, hats, smocks and cleanroom garments
Die Bezeichnungen wurden automatisch übersetzt. Übersetzung anzeigen


Datum Belegnummer Bereich Eintrag
04. August 2018 2018/32 Gaz Verlängerung
31. Mai 2011 2011/22 Gaz EM Ablehnung
04. Februar 2011 2011/19 Gaz RAW: Limitation
22. Juni 2010 2010/28 Gaz US Korrektur
30. März 2010 2010/16 Gaz CN Ablehnung
13. Juli 2009 2012/52 Gaz SG Entscheidung zu Widerspruch
07. Juli 2009 2009/30 Gaz US Korrektur
17. Juni 2009 2009/31 Gaz AU RAW: Protection Granted
11. Februar 2009 2009/9 Gaz SG Ablehnung
04. August 2008 2008/52 Gaz US Eintragung

ID: 14988066