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The International trademark AAM PRIVATBANK was filed as Word mark on 10/20/2008 at the World Intellectual Property Organization.

Trademark Details Last update: May 14, 2019

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 981392
Register number 575926
Countries Austria Benelux Czechia Germany Hungary Ukraine
Base trademark CH No. 575926, May 29, 2008
Application date October 20, 2008
Expiration date October 20, 2018

Trademark owner

Aeschenvorstadt 41
4051 Basel

Trademark representatives

Bellerivestrasse 203, Postfach CH

goods and services

16 Printed matter, manuals, periodicals
36 Financial affairs; banking, monetary transactions and financial management

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
May 4, 2019 2019/18 Gaz Deletion
August 2, 2010 2010/36 Gaz UA Rejection
October 14, 2009 2009/43 Gaz UA Rejection
April 14, 2009 2009/16 Gaz BX RAW: Protection Granted
October 20, 2008 2008/44 Gaz CH Registration

ID: 14981392