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Die Internationale Marke OPTITHERM wurde als Bildmarke am 21.02.2008 bei der Weltorganisation für geistiges Eigentum angemeldet.

Markendetails Letztes Update: 20. März 2018

Markenform Bildmarke
Aktenzeichen 962633
Länder Australien
Basismarke EU Nr. 006217202, 21. August 2007
Anmeldedatum 21. Februar 2008
Ablaufdatum 21. Februar 2028


PO Box 7, Rankine Street
Johnstone, Renfrewshire PA5 8BD


Scotland House, 165-169 Scotland Street GB

Waren und Dienstleistungen

09 Apparatus for thermostatically controlling the mixing of fluids, apparatus for indicating and recording the flow of fluids, valve position indicators, thermometers, pressure and vacuum gauges and recorders, and liquid level indicators; thermostats; thermostatic mixing valves; electric and electronic flow control systems; apparatus for indicating and recording the flow of fluids; temperature sensors and scanners; water temperature regulators; temperature display units; measuring apparatus and instruments for temperature and water flow.
11 Apparatus for water supply and sanitary purposes; taps; faucets; touchless faucets; thermostatically, infrared, radar or electronically controlled faucets; bath spouts; water control valves; water control valves for faucets; bathroom fittings; sanitary apparatus and installations.
37 Services for the construction, installation, repair, maintenance, and servicing of installations, plant and apparatus for water supply and sanitary purposes, thermostatic mixing valves and taps, thermostatic equipment, apparatus for indicating and recording the flow of fluids and water temperature regulators.
Die Bezeichnungen wurden automatisch übersetzt. Übersetzung anzeigen


Datum Belegnummer Bereich Eintrag
21. Februar 2018 2018/9 Gaz Verlängerung
24. September 2009 2009/48 Gaz EM RAW: Partial Ceasing Effect
22. Oktober 2008 2008/51 Gaz AU RAW: Protection Granted
21. Februar 2008 2008/21 Gaz EM Eintragung

ID: 14962633