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The International trademark HYDRA SOLIA was filed as Word mark on 04/01/2008 at the World Intellectual Property Organization.

Trademark Details Last update: April 5, 2018

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 962562
Register number 073528664
Countries United Kingdom Austria Benelux Switzerland Germany Spain Italy
Base trademark FR No. 07 3 528 664, March 7, 2008
Application date April 1, 2008
Expiration date April 1, 2028

Trademark owner

4 rue Berteaux-Dumas

Trademark representatives

9 avenue Percier F-75008 PARIS FR

goods and services

03 Cosmetic products, namely beauty creams, beauty serums, beauty milks, beauty lotions, tonic lotions, beauty masks, beauty gels, beauty oils, make-up removing milks, make-up removing rinses; medicated soap; scrubbing and exfoliating products; powders, talcum powder; creams for skin whitening; pomades for cosmetic use; cosmetic products taken orally, namely dietary supplements for cosmetic use
05 Pharmaceutical products for skin care, sunscreen products, sunburn ointments, balms for medical use, oils for medical use, lotions for pharmaceutical use

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
April 1, 2018 2018/14 Gaz Extension
February 2, 2009 2009/8 Gaz GB RAW: Protection Granted
September 8, 2008 2008/44 Gaz BX RAW: Protection Granted
April 1, 2008 2008/21 Gaz FR Registration

ID: 14962562