LORO PIANA "The wave"


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The International trademark LORO PIANA "The wave" was filed as Word mark on 03/07/2008 at the World Intellectual Property Organization.

Trademark Details Last update: December 23, 2021

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 961703
Register number 1099345
Countries Denmark Estonia United Kingdom Greece Japan South Korea United States of America (USA) Austria Benelux China Czechia Germany Spain France Hungary Portugal Russia Slovakia
Base trademark IT No. 1099345, March 7, 2008
Application date March 7, 2008
Expiration date March 7, 2028

Trademark owner

Corso Rolandi, 10
I-13017 QUARONA (VC)

Trademark representatives

Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 61 I-10128 TORINO IT

goods and services

24 Textiles and textile goods, bed and table covers
25 Clothing, footwear, headgear

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
December 16, 2021 2021/51 Gaz US RAW: Total Invalidation
March 7, 2018 2018/10 Gaz Extension
June 22, 2010 2010/27 Gaz SE Rejection
December 8, 2009 2010/1 Gaz IE Rejection
October 22, 2009 2013/2 Gaz JP RAW: Rule 18ter(2)(ii) GP following a provisional refusal
September 2, 2009 2009/38 Gaz SE Rejection
September 1, 2009 2012/52 Gaz KR RAW: Rule 18ter(2)(ii) GP following a provisional refusal
July 29, 2009 2012/52 Gaz US Decision on opposition
February 3, 2009 2009/8 Gaz KR Rejection
January 7, 2009 2009/3 Gaz GB RAW: Protection Granted
December 25, 2008 2009/4 Gaz JP Rejection
September 8, 2008 2008/44 Gaz BX RAW: Protection Granted
August 8, 2008 2008/35 Gaz IE Rejection
June 4, 2008 2008/23 Gaz US Rejection
March 7, 2008 2008/20 Gaz IT Registration
Partial deletion

ID: 14961703