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The International trademark Burg was filed as Figurative mark on 12/18/2007 at the World Intellectual Property Organization.

Logodesign (Wiener Klassifikation)

#Other geometrical figures, indefinable designs

Trademark Details Last update: July 2, 2020

Trademark form Figurative mark
File reference 949858
Register number 000962928
Countries Switzerland Norway United States of America (USA)
Base trademark EU No. 000962928, May 5, 2000
Application date December 18, 2007
Expiration date December 18, 2027

Trademark owner

Eeuwigelaan 27
1861 CL Bergen

Trademark representatives

Barbara Strozzilaan 201 1083 HN Amsterdam NL

goods and services

29 Edible oils
30 Vinegar, mustard
32 Beers; mineral and aerated beverages and other non-alcoholic drinks; syrups and other preparations for making beverages

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
June 19, 2020 2020/27 Gaz US RAW: Total Invalidation
December 18, 2017 2018/4 Gaz Extension
December 17, 2015 2015/52 Gaz US RAW: Partial Invalidation
September 9, 2009 2009/46 Gaz NO RAW: Rule 18ter(2)(ii) GP following a provisional refusal
May 26, 2009 2012/52 Gaz US Decision on opposition
July 17, 2008 2008/31 Gaz NO Rejection
April 3, 2008 2008/15 Gaz US Rejection
December 18, 2007 2008/4 Gaz EM Registration

ID: 14949858