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The International trademark EXPOTECHNIK was filed as Figurative mark on 04/30/2007 at the World Intellectual Property Organization.

Trademark Details Last update: September 16, 2019

Trademark form Figurative mark
File reference 931369
Register number 003707651
Countries China Russia
Base trademark EU No. 003707651, September 1, 2005
Application date April 30, 2007
Expiration date April 30, 2027

Trademark owner

Franklinstrasse 61-63
60486 Frankfurt am Main

Trademark representatives

Theodorstr. 9 90489 Nürnberg DE

goods and services

06 Metallic parts and components included in this class for designing and building trade fairs, exhibitions, shops, and interiors; metallic construction materials; transportable buildings of metal; ironmongery, small items of metal hardware; packaging and transport containers of metal
19 Building parts and components of wood, wood substitute or plastic for trade fairs, exhibitions, shops and interiors; building materials (non-metallic); non-metallic transportable buildings
35 Rental of trade fair and exhibition stands and booths and/or goods presentation and decoration units/equipments for commercial purposes
37 Construction of trade stands, exhibition stands, shop stands, demonstration counters and interior, including the associated skilled services; maintenance and repair of trade fair and exhibition stands and buildings and/or goods presentation and decoration equipment

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
December 14, 2016 2017/18 Gaz Extension
January 29, 2009 2009/8 Gaz CH Decision on opposition
December 26, 2008 2009/5 Gaz RU RAW: Final Reversing Refusal
August 8, 2008 2008/34 Gaz CH Rejection
July 11, 2008 2008/30 Gaz RU Rejection
April 30, 2007 2007/33 Gaz EM Registration
Partial deletion

ID: 14931369