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The International trademark THE CAT EMPIRE was filed as Word mark on 01/10/2007 at the World Intellectual Property Organization.

Trademark Details Last update: March 27, 2023

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 918240
Countries European Community
Base trademark AU No. 1152724, December 18, 2006
Application date January 10, 2007
Expiration date January 10, 2027

Trademark owner

c/o Moira McKenzie Legal,
1/397 Brunswick St.

Trademark representatives

2 London Bridge London SE1 9RA GB

goods and services

09 Video and audio tapes, compact discs, video discs, sound and/or visual recordings, all other devices and formats in this class for the reproduction of sound and/or visual images
25 Clothing, footwear and headgear
41 Production, presentation and distribution of musical and related entertainment through live performances, stage events, television, radio, electronic distribution and any other media, production of films and television programmes, production of video and audio tapes, compact discs, and other audio and audiovisual devices, publication of books and printed material, electronic publication services including publication of information, images and music by telecommunications systems, computers and the Internet

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
January 10, 2017 2017/2 Gaz Extension
January 15, 2009 2009/5 Gaz JP Decision on opposition
December 8, 2008 2009/2 Gaz US Decision on opposition
March 3, 2008 2008/10 Gaz EM RAW: Protection Granted
February 28, 2008 2008/10 Gaz JP Rejection
May 7, 2007 2007/19 Gaz US Rejection
January 10, 2007 2007/15 Gaz AU Registration
Partial deletion

ID: 14918240