Chemicals and chemical substances; biological tissue for
scientific, laboratory, clinical and medical research;
therapeutic tissue, cell and stem cell compositions for
scientific, laboratory, clinical and medical research;
biological-use preparations for scientific purposes;
chemicals and chemical substances for scientific purposes;
cellular and stem cell compositions for scientific use
Pharmaceuticals for scientific and medical purposes;
biological implants; surgical implants comprising living
tissue; implantable, injectible and other biological-use
preparations for medical purposes; chemicals and chemical
substances for medical purposes; therapeutic tissue,
cellular and stem cell compositions for medical use; tissue,
cell and stem cell compositions for the treatment of
cosmetic and other human conditions and diseases
Medical apparatus, instruments and articles; surgical
implants comprising non-living tissues and non-living tissue
regenerative products; tissue, cell, cellular component and
stem cell extraction, processing and application devices;
tissue and cell separation and purification devices, namely
devices used for the isolation of cells and cellular
components within adipose tissue; tissue and cell processing
devices, namely devices used for the collection and storage
of adipose tissue and adipose tissue derived cells; bone and
soft tissue implants, namely porous and non-porous sheets of
material, porous and non-porous sheets of resorbable
material, porous and non-porous sheets of flexible
resorbable material, and porous and non-porous scaffolds and
cell containment devices for use in repairing various
portions of the mammalian skeletal system and other organ
systems; devices for positioning and securing the bone and
soft tissue implants
Transport, packaging and storage of goods for scientific and
medical purposes; storage of tissue, cells and cellular
components for scientific and medical purposes; storage of
human tissue, cells and cellular components for use in cell
and cellular component transplantations and treatments;
archival storage services for scientific and medical
purposes; physical storage of biomedical research and
biological materials
Electronic storage of biological data; scientific services
and treatment methods and services using tissue, cells,
cellular components and stem cells for scientific purposes
Medical services; hygienic and cosmetic services for human
beings or animals; medical services provided by the members
of professions such as medical doctors and surgeons and
related entities; treatment methods and services using
tissue, cells, cellular components and stem cells for
medical purposes