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The International trademark 1301699 was filed as Figurative mark on 03/03/2005 at the World Intellectual Property Organization.

Logodesign (Wiener Klassifikation)

#Birds, bats #Penguins

Trademark Details Last update: February 13, 2023

Trademark form Figurative mark
File reference 861668
Register number 1301699
Countries Albania Benelux Finland Greece Hungary Ireland Italy Japan Liechtenstein Morocco Monaco Norway Romania Sweden Singapore
Base trademark US No. 1301699, October 23, 1984
Application date March 3, 2005
Expiration date March 3, 2025

Trademark owner

3735 Green Road
Beachwood OH 44122

Trademark representatives

The Calfee Building 1405 East Sixth Street US

goods and services

17 Fabric-like layer made primarily of fiberglass used in the formulation of a wall surface for buildings, and modular boards sold as a unit
19 Acrylic polymer-based, trowelable, protective and ornamental finish for building wall surfaces

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
March 3, 2015 2015/10 Gaz Extension
January 10, 2013 2013/3 Gaz HU Rejection
May 15, 2012 2012/22 Gaz US Correction
January 10, 2008 2008/2 Gaz JP RAW: Protection Granted
October 1, 2007 2007/41 Gaz SG RAW: Protection Granted
July 10, 2007 2007/34 Gaz IE RAW: Protection Granted
January 4, 2007 2007/4 Gaz US Correction
December 20, 2006 2007/12 Gaz BX RAW: Protection Granted
September 20, 2006 2006/41 Gaz NO RAW: Protection Granted
March 20, 2006 2006/24 Gaz US Correction
March 3, 2005 2005/38 Gaz US Registration

ID: 14861668