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The International trademark PLANTCOMFORT was filed as Word mark on 09/17/2003 at the World Intellectual Property Organization.

Trademark Details Last update: April 16, 2021

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 811132
Register number 547337
Countries Czechia Hungary Poland
Base trademark BX No. 547337, June 22, 1994
Application date September 17, 2003
Expiration date September 17, 2023

Trademark owner

Zeusstraat 2
5048 CA Tilburg

Trademark representatives

49 Avenue des Champs-Elysées F-75008 PARIS FR

goods and services

01 Produits chimiques pour l'horticulture (à l'exception des fongicides, herbicides, insecticides et des parasiticides); terreau comprimé, concentré ou non; additifs pour terreau
20 Jardinières [meubles]
21 Pots à fleurs; cache-pot non en papier; supports pour plantes

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
September 17, 2013 2013/39 Gaz Extension
September 17, 2003 2003/21 Gaz BX Registration

ID: 14811132