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The International trademark FRANKLIN TEMPLETON was filed as Word mark on 06/18/2003 at the World Intellectual Property Organization.

Trademark Details Last update: March 24, 2023

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 811059
Countries Finland Norway Spain
Base trademark GB No. 2334489, June 10, 2003
Application date June 18, 2003
Expiration date June 18, 2033

Trademark owner

8A, rue Albert Borschette
L-1246 Luxembourg

Trademark representatives

201 Bishopsgate London EC2M 3AB GB

goods and services

35 Investment marketing services; formation, offering and management of limited partnerships; record keeping
36 Financial and investment management services and administration, advisory, analysis, consultation, and information services relating thereto; mutual fund investment services; transfer agent services; investment underwriting services; securities brokerage services; banking services; mortgage lending services; credit card services; automobile loan financing and loan servicing; investment trust services; real estate services; real estate management services; consumer credit services; consumer loan servicing; issue and administration of life insurance and annuity contracts; reinsurance of life insurance and annuity contracts of other licensed insurers; administration of investment accounts which fund the benefits underlying life insurance and annuity contracts; provision of asset management and investment advisory services to public and private entities or institutions, to foundations and endowment funds, and to retirement plans
41 Provision of financial seminars

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
June 18, 2023 2023/12 Gaz Extension
June 18, 2013 2013/25 Gaz Extension
May 19, 2005 2005/22 Gaz FI Decision on opposition
March 2, 2005 2005/11 Gaz NO RAW: Protection Granted
September 6, 2004 2004/31 Gaz FI Rejection
June 18, 2003 2003/21 Gaz GB Registration

ID: 14811059