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The International trademark CAGE BALL was filed as Word mark on 03/26/2003 at the World Intellectual Property Organization.

Trademark Details Last update: March 24, 2023

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 809607
Register number 885990
Countries Austria Benelux China Spain France Russia
Base trademark IT No. 885990, March 26, 2003
Application date March 26, 2003
Expiration date March 26, 2033

Trademark owner

Via Bergamina, 24

Trademark representatives

Via Borgonuovo, 10 I-20121 MILANO IT

goods and services

06 Metallic valves and other metallic fittings for pipelines carrying fluids

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
March 26, 2023 2023/12 Gaz Extension
March 26, 2013 2013/14 Gaz Extension
January 20, 2005 2005/5 Gaz DE Decision on opposition
June 10, 2004 2004/17 Gaz DE Rejection
March 2, 2004 2004/6 Gaz GB Decision on opposition
November 4, 2003 2003/22 Gaz GB Rejection
March 26, 2003 2003/19 Gaz IT Registration
Partial deletion

ID: 14809607