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The International trademark ZOTEON was filed as Word mark on 09/11/2002 at the World Intellectual Property Organization.

Trademark Details Last update: February 23, 2023

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 787790
Register number 503064
Countries Japan Singapore Bosnia and Herzegovina Belarus China Cuba Egypt Moldova Montenegro Serbia Russia Ukraine Vietnam
Base trademark CH No. 503064, August 14, 2002
Application date September 11, 2002
Expiration date September 11, 2032

Trademark owner

Hegenheimermattweg 127
4123 Allschwil

Trademark representatives

43, avenue John Fitzgerald Kennedy L-1855 Luxembourg LU

goods and services

05 Pharmaceutical preparations

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
September 11, 2022 2023/8 Gaz Extension
October 26, 2017 2017/43 Gaz MD Rejection
December 19, 2016 2016/53 Gaz CH Correction
September 11, 2012 2012/37 Gaz Extension
October 8, 2007 2008/2 Gaz Extension
May 18, 2004 2004/15 Gaz HU Decision on opposition
April 21, 2004 2004/11 Gaz TR Decision on opposition
January 19, 2004 2004/2 Gaz IS Decision on opposition
September 23, 2003 2003/20 Gaz HU Rejection
September 4, 2003 2003/19 Gaz SG RAW: Protection Granted
July 1, 2003 2003/14 Gaz IS Rejection
June 13, 2003 2003/13 Gaz TR Rejection
April 25, 2003 2003/9 Gaz JP RAW: Protection Granted
September 11, 2002 2002/19 Gaz CH Registration
Partial deletion

ID: 14787790