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The International trademark ORNAMENTA TRAFFIC was filed as Word mark on 08/21/2002 at the World Intellectual Property Organization.

Trademark Details Last update: March 7, 2023

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 787671
Register number 30219339.1/27
Countries Denmark Finland United Kingdom Norway Sweden Austria Benelux Switzerland France Poland Russia
Base trademark DE No. 302 19 339.1/27, May 6, 2002
Application date August 21, 2002
Expiration date August 21, 2022

Trademark owner

Nachtweideweg 1-7
67227 Frankenthal

Trademark representatives

5, rue Daunou F-75002 Paris FR

goods and services

27 Elastic floor coverings

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
March 4, 2023 2023/9 Gaz Deletion
August 21, 2012 2012/42 Gaz Extension
December 28, 2004 2005/2 Gaz SE Decision on opposition
December 9, 2003 2003/25 Gaz SE Rejection
July 8, 2003 2003/15 Gaz GB RAW: Final Reversing Refusal
November 14, 2002 2002/23 Gaz GB Rejection
August 21, 2002 2002/19 Gaz DE Registration

ID: 14787671