Scientific, nautical, surveying, photographic,
cinematographic, optical, measuring, monitoring (inspection)
and emergency (life-saving) apparatus and instruments,
apparatus for recording, transmitting and reproducing sound
or images, integrated circuits, printed circuits, hybrid
circuits and microcomponents, data processing equipment,
computers, micro-computers, computer peripherals, memory
cards, microprocessor cards, electronic apparatus and
equipment for processing, storing, transmitting,
broadcasting, receiving or printing data, encryption and
decryption equipment, magnetic or optical recording media,
software, terminals giving access to local or global
computer networks, computer communication and office and
home automation terminals
Telecommunications, information about telecommunications,
communication via computer terminals, radio, telegraph and
telephone communications, services of a computer
communication network, computer-aided message and image
transmission, transmission of information held in databases
or computer servers; on-line or non-real time communication
and transmission of messages, information and data, from
data processing systems, computer networks, including the
global telecommunication network known as "the Internet" and
the global network known as "the Web"; transmission of
information by telecommunication networks, including the
global network known as "the Internet"
Engineering project studies, technical research,
professional consulting unrelated to business dealings,
computer programming, software design, technical consulting
in connection with computers, development and design of data
processing programs, computer programming; consulting in
connection with information technology and telecommunication
equipment; scientific and industrial research, engineering
work, materials testing, laboratory work, expert
evaluations, leasing access time to a computer database
server, licensing of intellectual property