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The International trademark Allsecur was filed as Figurative mark on 12/07/2000 at the World Intellectual Property Organization.

Trademark Details Last update: January 1, 2021

Trademark form Figurative mark
File reference 749867
Register number 671022
Countries Japan Turkey China Macedonia
Base trademark BX No. 671022, July 6, 2000
Application date December 7, 2000
Expiration date December 7, 2030

Trademark owner

Königinstrasse 28
80802 München

goods and services

36 Insurance; financial affairs; monetary affairs, real estate affairs

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
December 7, 2020 2020/50 Gaz Extension
November 11, 2010 2010/49 Gaz Extension
March 19, 2009 2009/15 Gaz SG Decision on opposition
June 16, 2003 2003/15 Gaz IS RAW: Final Reversing Refusal
June 5, 2003 2003/13 Gaz MD Decision on opposition
October 7, 2002 2002/22 Gaz NO Decision on opposition
September 9, 2002 2002/22 Gaz JP Decision on opposition
August 30, 2002 2002/18 Gaz TR RAW: Protection Granted
August 14, 2002 2002/17 Gaz CH Decision on opposition
June 4, 2002 2002/11 Gaz GE RAW: Protection Granted
March 4, 2002 2002/5 Gaz NO Rejection
February 25, 2002 2002/4 Gaz CH Rejection
February 21, 2002 2002/5 Gaz MD Rejection
February 1, 2002 2002/3 Gaz JP RAW: Appeal Lapsed
January 15, 2002 2002/3 Gaz KG RAW: Protection Granted
November 19, 2001 2001/25 Gaz IS RAW: Appeal Lapsed
October 2, 2001 2001/20 Gaz JP Rejection
May 31, 2001 2001/12 Gaz SG Rejection
May 11, 2001 2001/10 Gaz IS Rejection
December 7, 2000 2001/3 Gaz BX Registration
Partial deletion
Partial deletion

ID: 14749867