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The International trademark ALBINAR was filed as Word mark on 08/11/2000 at the World Intellectual Property Organization.

Trademark Details Last update: August 17, 2021

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 740097
Register number 39545046.2/09
Countries Denmark Estonia Finland United Kingdom Lithuania Sweden Austria Benelux Switzerland Czechia Spain France Hungary Italy Latvia Poland Russia Slovenia
Base trademark DE No. 395 45 046.2/09, December 8, 1995
Application date August 11, 2000
Expiration date August 11, 2020

Trademark owner

Goethestr. 11
85386 Eching

Trademark representatives

Bleichstraße 14 40211 Düsseldorf DE

goods and services

09 Photographical and optical instruments with the exception of glasses, and parts thereof, especially rechargeable batteries, chargers and dischargers for rechargeable batteries, power suppliers, voltage suppliers, connection cables, binoculars

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
August 14, 2021 2021/32 Gaz Deletion
February 5, 2010 2010/38 Gaz Extension
April 20, 2005 2005/22 Gaz DE Correction
December 9, 2002 2002/25 Gaz RU RAW: Final Reversing Refusal
September 10, 2001 2001/19 Gaz RU Rejection
April 5, 2001 2001/9 Gaz GB RAW: Protection Granted
August 11, 2000 2000/19 Gaz DE Registration

ID: 14740097