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The International trademark PROVISCOSE was filed as Word mark on 03/16/2000 at the World Intellectual Property Organization.

Trademark Details Last update: May 11, 2021

Trademark form Word mark
File reference 731162
Register number 186767
Countries Australia Japan South Korea Singapore Syria Uzbekistan Azerbaijan Belarus Switzerland China Cuba Czechia Algeria Egypt Croatia Hungary Iran North Korea Kazakhstan Morocco Macedonia Poland Serbia Russia Slovenia Slovakia Ukraine Vietnam
Base trademark AT No. 186 767, February 17, 2000
Application date March 16, 2000
Expiration date March 16, 2020

Trademark owner

Werkstrasse 2
A-4860 Lenzing

Trademark representatives

Kaiserjägerstrasse 1 A-6020 Innsbruck AT

goods and services

17 Chemical fibres for non-textile use
22 Chemical fibres for textile purposes; raw fibrous textile materials
23 Yarns and threads for textile purposes
24 Fabrics, textiles, non-woven textiles, household and housework textile articles included in this class
25 Outerwear for women, men and children, linen, shirts, blouses, sports and leisure wear, stockings

Trademark history

Date Document number Area Entry
May 8, 2021 2021/18 Gaz Deletion
July 5, 2015 2015/30 Gaz SG RAW: Rule 18ter(2)(ii) GP following a provisional refusal
January 14, 2015 2015/3 Gaz KR Rejection
December 29, 2014 2015/2 Gaz SY Rejection
November 10, 2014 2014/47 Gaz VN Rejection
July 10, 2014 2014/29 Gaz KR Rejection
March 24, 2014 2014/13 Gaz AU Rejection
March 5, 2014 2014/11 Gaz SG Rejection
July 22, 2013 2013/44 Gaz Correction
March 16, 2010 2010/11 Gaz Extension
May 28, 2004 2004/17 Gaz CH Decision on opposition
February 21, 2002 2002/10 Gaz RU RAW: Final Reversing Refusal
October 29, 2001 2001/24 Gaz EG RAW: Final Confirmation Refusal
May 22, 2001 2001/14 Gaz JP Decision on opposition
April 19, 2001 2001/9 Gaz CH Rejection
April 4, 2001 2001/7 Gaz JP RAW: Appeal Lapsed
April 2, 2001 2001/7 Gaz RU Rejection
January 3, 2001 2001/1 Gaz JP Rejection
December 5, 2000 2000/25 Gaz EG Rejection
March 16, 2000 2000/9 Gaz AT Registration

ID: 14731162